New DEQ Requirements – WATER Asset Management Programs (AMP)
As you may be aware, the MDEQ promulgated new rules under Act 399 for community water systems serving more than 1,000 people. The rule states that a Water Asset Management Program shall be implemented by January 1, 2018. The MDEQ has published some guidance for water systems and plans to host training sessions, but we anticipate that the Agency will continue to issue additional information and clarifications.
The requirements for the AMP generally include the following:
- A summary detailing the system used to maintain an inventory of assets.
- A summary describing the method used to assess the criticality of assets considering the likelihood and consequence of failure.
- A statement of the level of service goals.
- A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that identifies waterworks system needs for the next 5-year and 20-year planning periods. (You may have a CIP developed as part of Reliability Study or for the required submission in 2016, which can simply be updated.)
- A summary detailing the funding structure and rate methodology that provides sufficient resources to implement the AMP.
It is important that owner/operators of water systems be aware of this new rule and begin developing a strategy for compliance. If you have questions or need assistance getting started, HRC has experienced asset management experts available to assist you with this requirement. Staff from HRC are also working together with MI-AWWA and MWEA committees to provide feedback to the MDEQ on this rule, and to be aware of any updates or new information as it becomes available. Please let us know if you would like us to keep you apprised as well.
If you have any questions regarding this program, or would like to meet to discuss this new requirement, please contact your HRC representative or Keith McCormack, P.E. at 248-454-6300.
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MDEQ Guidance: