Project Details

City of Rochester Hills Rochester Hills, MI Park & Recreation


Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. (HRC) was retained by the City of Rochester Hills to provide engineering, structural design, surveying, material testing, and construction oversight for recreation, stormwater, and habitat enhancements at Innovation Hills, which is owned by the City. The location along the Clinton River, access from regional trails, and on-site natural resources made this park prime for improvement.

The HRC Team provided design, site plan development, MDEQ Joint permit application and SESC permit administration, and construction oversight for the design-build project.

The focal point of the project was a stormwater detention pond designed to be a water feature with waterfalls. Trails and boardwalks were designed to be Universal-Design compliant pedestrian pathways throughout the park and wetlands. Tree tagging and surveying were done to ensure minimal tree removal and to allow the path and boardwalk to meander naturally within the park.

Electrical service was designed and coordinated with DTE, and water lead extensions were designed to meet current and future park needs. A kayak landing is being constructed as well as a mounded sundial and gazebo. Additional amenities include rain gardens, interpretive signage, seating, Universal Design approved restrooms and drinking fountains, and landscape areas, thus establishing a sense of place and destination.

This project provided:

  • Reductions in soil erosion and sedimentation
  • Enhanced aquatic and terrestrial habitat
  • Enhanced access to the water
  • A multi-generational attraction to the City
  • Demonstration of the City’s sustainable parks and recreational development
  • Water quality enhancement initiatives